Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A List of Phytonutrient Fruits and Veggies and Selected Glycemic Index Foods

A new study out of Austrailia finds that a diet high in low Glycemic Index carbohydrates is best for losing body fat and reducing LDL cholesterol. Yea, Harvard Healthy Eating Pyramid!

Straight from Wikipedia: the fruits and vegetables the California Cusine wants you to eat (for a longer list by phytonutrient, go here):

The top 12 phytonutrient rich foods


Other foods rich in phytonutrients

And, straight from, the Glycemic Index for selected foods. Because of problems trying to copy this list, I recommend you go directly to and use their print button.

NOTE: suggests potatoes are fine inspite of their high GI value, but you know what Harvard School of Public Health thinks of them! High GI foods are fine for those who exercise a lot, otherwise it might be best to avoid them.


Blogger BornSquishy said...

Looking forward to seeing the list. I've added a link to your site on my sidebar.

12:31 PM  
Blogger BornSquishy said...

Great List! Just a side note about the flax need to grind them up because:

"If whole flax seeds remain unbroken, they may pass undigested through the body, reducing the nutritional advantage of eating flax seed in the first place." - source: Flax Council of Canada

11:55 PM  
Blogger ReallyTooBig said...

Thanks for the tip on flax seeds - do you actually eat them? - don't believe I've ever seen one!

Thanks so much for stopping by

9:32 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Nutrition herbs, eaten for thousands of years, are even more micronutrient rich than fruits and vegetables.

These phytonutrient rich plants, eaten in proper amounts and combinations will regenerate the body.

If you want to speed up your health journey, look into it.

For more information visit my website:

7:15 PM  

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