Wednesday, April 23, 2008

May Be On To Something

Well, for the first day, things didn't go badly.

When I signed off the blog yesterday, I started making those checks on the calendar every time I had an untimely urge to eat - there weren't as many as I anticipated - by the end of the day, maybe a dozen.

I had one real breakdown right before bed when I ate about 175 calories of canned potatoes - the timing, of course, was all wrong.

It's interesting that just writing this blog, and making a couple of marks on a calendar, can make me much more aware of what and when I eat. It's also obvious that I do have some problem gauging how much I eat - I thought I was very low yesterday, but when I added up everything this morning, I ate about 3200 calories, instead of the 2800 which would have been appropriate for the level of exercise.

I would have hit the 2800 if I hadn't had those potatoes before bed and skipped the half of my wife's candy bar [200 calories].

Which brings me to the question; should there be rules against certain foods: eg no candy bars, donuts, etc, ever. I'd include desserts at home (but not splitting one with my wife at a restaurant). What I am really asking is: should certain foods be treated like cigarettes - you just aren't going to have another, ever again. period.

I used to think that I would be impinged upon by never having another donut - but would I really? I mean, the benefits of never having another donut certainly outweigh the fleeting benefit (taste).

I n any event, I woke up hungry today, and that is the goal - actually be a bit hungry before eating. Those are signals I can read, and apparently, I can generate them, if I give myself the chance.


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